Business consulting

Fuel growth through our expert team

Baker Tilly in Paraguay offers comprehensive Business Consulting services aimed at enhancing organizational effectiveness and performance. This includes:

  • Organizational diagnosis (general or sectorial);
  • Quality Management Systems;
  • Organizational Consultancy;
  • Advice on Strategic Planning;
  • Advice on tactical or operative planning, action plans;
  • Elaboration of Organizational Structure;
  • Elaboration of Organization and Functions Manual;
  • Elaboration of Process Map;
  • Elaboration of Procedures Manual;
  • Updating of Function and Process Manuals;
  • Risk Management;
  • Organizational and Management Coaching;
  • Corporate Governance Gap Analysis;
  • Structure or Process Re-engineering;
  • Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC);
  • Preparation of Anti-Money Laundering Manual; 
  • Physical inventories of exchange goods and goods for use;
  • Elaboration of cost structure;
  • Elaboration of Policy Manual;
  • Analysis of accounts receivable and payable; 
  • Elaboration of Code of Ethics and Conduct. 




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