Tax services that power your business

Our skilled team of accountants has the knowledge and experience to assist you in managing your requirements in the most tax-efficient manner.

We understand that tax can be an extremely complex and constantly changing affair making it difficult to manage your obligations and with constantly growing tax authority oversight and regulatory changes businesses and individuals require professional expertise more than ever.

Our local team of specialists together with the support of its international network can assist you with:

  • Advice and evacuation of tax queries;
  • Accompaniment in summary proceedings before the DNIT;
  • Tax news;
  • Internal training for companies;
  • Drafting and presentation of binding consultations;
  • Certifications for VAT rectification;
  • Recovery of tax credits;
  • Transfer pricing;
  • Tax planning;
  • Advice on electronic invoicing;
  • Tax diagnosis of the tax situation and compliance with obligations. 

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Presentación Tax
Jul 5, 2024
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